It has been a while since I blogged. There were too many things that took me by storm and I couldn't catch my breath. Last Sunday I had a nice long run. Nice, because I logged 31K after a long break in training for long runs. It was however, an exhausting and dehydrating run. By the end of it I had weak legs, a doddering pace and "postural hypotension". It took me all of 12 hrs to recover from it. I later analysed and discovered that I had suffered from "heat cramps". I researched on the topic and then formulated my own action plan to counter this in future; including an excel sheet to calculate sweat rates.
On the work front, I am deluged with new projects, product developments and forays in new markets. While this is a welcome change, I am apprehensive about being able to manage time. The intensity of travel will pick up shortly and I guess it will be back to living out of a suitcase.
I have ordered two books on Mathematics based on recommendations in "The Economist". The brief on these books states that they would interest even those that hated Math in school. I found their examples on application in everyday circumstances, rather intriguing. Besides, I thought it would add to the passion Bryan has developed for the subject. I now spend several evenings doing Math and Physics (both subjects that I love) with him, by solving difficult problems from Guide-books.
I am apprehensive about recent reports on a make-over for Aarey, ostensibly with a plan to develop an Eco-Park! I can only smirk at the thought of our state government being so concerned about the environment. The entire city is undergoing a degeneration in its civic, intellectual and social fabric and they now come up with a scheme that reeks of venality. I have started a silent campaign on my own and can only hope that God saves the space that I love.
Much of the last few weeks have been swallowed in introspection on rights and wrongs of social and behavioural attributes in people. I reached exhaustion on several occasion and wondered why I was burdening my already enervated psyche with these trivia. I thought it was worth it to save something and then I realised that all was "lost in translation" and I am better off now, with my conclusions. Indeed I feel better now:-) Last but not the least is the tipple I had with bum-chums, Bamoo and Russell, at "Prataps". It made life worthwhile as the haze of "signatures" made me mellow. When it all wore out, I was still convinced about my conclusions - so, it wasn't just the "buzz":-) Cheers!