On Tuesday evening as I went to meet "Bamoo", my "bum-chum" (we grew up as "chaddi dosts"), I was reviewing in my mind, the "hard tempo" work out that I'd planned for the next morning (it being Ganesh Chaturthi and a holiday for me). Little did I realize that these plans would vaporize (literally) as I met Bamoo at the Catholic Gymkhana. We caught up on old times and where we are today and settled, after much argument, that we would have "just one beer" each. As our discussions got underway, we were joined by another friend who happened to be a media planner for "Gitanjali Gems". He narrated the sleaze in the adv star world and enlightened us on the ouster of Aishwarya from "nakshatra" and her replacement by Katrina. It wasn't such conversation that was captivating, but its just that Bamoo kept urging me for "one more"; emotionally black-mailing me about how old friends shouldn't be in a hurry when meeting after such a while. There goes my "tempo" workout, I rued as the 8th bottle of beer got opened with a "kishhhcchh"!
I returned home at 11pm and decided to set the alarm for 5:30am anyway. It was a good decision cause I woke up feeling refreshed but not in a state to do a "tempo" run. I set out at an easy pace and carried 3L of diluted tang just in case I found some miraculous reserve to do a long run and whaddya know! I did 31.7K at a puttering pace but who cares; I got my engine revved up and running slowly on fat! I could clearly "see" muscle mitochondria, shaking their heads in disbelief and irritated disgust, muttering: "This jerk screws up "homeostasis" with his friggin' copious alcoholic beers, beef and pork chilly fry dripping in fat, sleeps fitfuly, gets the "commander" upstairs woozy, destabilizes neural-networks and now wants us to toss fat in the furnace to provide steam for his run. Who the hell does he think he is!!!!". The "commander" replies in his stupor, "He is Daniel, which in Hebrew means hard & strong, and you better get used to it and start kicking ass on those enzymes".
I returned home feeling triumphant not only because I nudged my endurance a notch higher, but I staved off any weight gain from the night-before binge!
The best laid plans don't necessarily go awry:-)