I have never (I repeat, never) tried to do speedwork on the day after my long run. However, on Monday, since I was scheduled to go on business tour for 4 days, I risked (nay ventured?) into unknown territory. I had finished a 28K run on Sunday and in fact was compelled to call it off at 28K (I was scheduled to do 29K) because my quads were still a bit raw from the @#$%^& fitness challenge I had foolishly paticipated in.
I rose on Monday and sat contemplating as to what I would do for a run workout. I realized that if I do not do something that provides the body a sufficient stimulus, I would probably go stale in 4 days (do you guys believe this crap? - I mean how passionate can one get about racing!). And so I pulled on my socks with a resolve to do a VO2max speed work out. I must be trying to test the limits of the human heart (nay just my bloody own!:-)).
There I was at the start with an RPE already in the high 7s and I set off like a terrier after a tom-cat. I did 3 reps and called it a day cause the 4th rep would have meant someone calling emergency medical care or more apt immediate CPR!! Anyways, I survived and whaddya know, I felt a spring in my step at the airport from the work out that my hamstrings got in zipping. There is a first time but I hope I have learnt a lesson - no seconds please:-)