Its been an exceptionally hot and humid summer in Mumbai and although, I enjoyed brief respite in Germany, it was as bad in Paris. So, it was with a song in my heart that I woke up to, when I drew back the curtain and saw the rain coming down in steel grey lances. A dark overcast sky told that the drizzle would last a while.
I poured myself a cuppa java and brooded as I sipped it. I reviewed the last few months since the Mumbai Marathon and saw that I had a better time this summer, than last year. I even put in a fast marathon quite early in the season, for me. I laced up and stepped into the rain, feeling the cold drizzle on my face and back. The gentle shuffle that I break into at the start, served to warm me up quickly enough and stave off the chill I normally feel, when running in the rain.
The aarey forest was oh so green! It had that wet look, a cool dampness and a quiet stillness to it. There was the solitary walker that I pass and greetings were exchanged with smiles that seemed to imply that each could read the joy in the other' heart - joy that the summer heat has been quenched. My run was a canter that hardly caused a blip in my heart rate. I soaked in the lush surroundings as I went past more walkers who too had a spring to their stride. Even the strays seemed to enjoy as they playfully pranced around and jumped at each other in light-hearted wrestling match.
I returned home drenched and beaming, to be greeted by a yelp from Dojo. He too has been complaining in his own way; drinking frequently from the bowl that holds a metal tortoise, sleeping near the bathroom and promptly trotting into the bedroom when the AC is swtiched on. I sat on the floor and waited for Minoti to hand me another cuppa java. I silently wished I could add some "Jameson" to it and make it an Irish coffee. Well, the long run is going to be fun tomorrow, if the heavens open up - I pray they do.