Friday, February 6, 2009

Post Race analysis

I met the colpal group to discuss their race analysis for the SCMM 2009. This was so that they can assess for themselves the difficulties they experienced in the race and the way forward. While they did discuss with me their mid-race problems I am not sure that they understand the true import of this analysis. I do hope they do not take everything that I discussed with a "pinch of salt".

They are an enthusiastic lot but their enthusiasm ends at the point wherein they discuss their problems in the current race but do not seem to express the desire to put in "what ever it takes". I do not see the dedication nor the motivation to improve their times, from most of them. There are the cribs of work pressure and lack of time but there is also the desire to do the "full marathon". I have tried to explain the pitfalls in a race that is as demanding as the marathon but I am not so sure they understand me.

I can only hope that their motivation and interest is genuine enough that they are willing to cross over and step on the "other side of the hedge".