When I laced up for the group run at Aarey on Saturday, I wasn't feeling strong. However, when we started out as a group, I realized that I had not put in any speed work during the week and made a spot decision to try holding my marathon pace. As I shot forward and overtook the group, I smiled because I was sure that Amit or Kavin would definitely throw their hat in the ring. As it turned out, both of them as well as Bhasker, chased me.
We ran at tempo pace for the first 4K and then at the turn around point I decided to ease up. However, Kavin and Amit were still cruising ahead of me and seemed to be doing fine. The run up the hill was too taxing for me and I decided to shift gears a bit and conserve energy. We finished 10.7K in a time that was lower than any of our previous times. I was happy to abandon my plans to do two loops because just this one loop had given me the "buzz" I needed. Besides, Ashok and King were celebrating their birthday and had brought some snacks for the group runners. I didn't want to be late for the treat:-)
Sunday was spent mostly sleeping because I had kept up late to pick a friend from the airport and had then also woken up at 5am to go to the Nike Run Club. As I lazed in bed, I mused about my life and in the course of family discussions, I was quite taken aback when Bryan mentioned that he needs me around for his studies and that he cannot do without me. I told him that I had passed up many an opportunity for his sake and that, for this reason, he always features in my decisions. It was a happy moment for all which called for going to the multiplex to watch a movie. Dojo too began to scamper around with the mistaken impression that he too would be taken out:-)).