It is important to emphasize the "core" in the subject because it is "core temperature" that did us all in today, in our medium long run. There were just 9 runners and we already had our Tee-shirts stuck to our back as we assembled and greeted each other at 6am. My legs felt stiff from the previous two days' consecutive workouts.
While coming in for the finish in the first loop itself, I realized, as I saw everyone reduced to a shuffle, that doing the second loop would be like finishing a 20 miler. I took in some water, ate a date and gestured that we should begin the next loop. Even as I covered 1K, I realized that, had I been alone, I would have returned from New Zealand Hostel, a meager 3K loop. But then, what is this group for, if not for goading each other to "over-reach" in our training?
When we reached the half way point in this second loop, I saw exhaustion writ large on Amit, Srinivas, Mahesh and of course, must have been on my face too. We stopped at the temple and poured cold water on our heads and joked that we were deceiving the body' thermostat, situated in the hypothalamus:-)) Mahesh and Amit had a good cackle on that one. Physiologically it is true that we did just that because the brain gets tricked into thinking that the core temperature has gone down. I told Srinivas that I need to walk and he was amazing in his "soft-voiced motivational pushes". He said, "At least lets jog to the base of the hill Dan" and I found new energy (there is always a reserve that we do not tap into) as we trudged on.
We stopped and drank some cold milk from a store at the bottom of the hill and I told these guys thru' gasps that I am done! Then Srinivas, the Psychiatrist, steps over to me and says, "Dan, lets just shuffle up this hill and then its down hill again - and you are the best at downhill running because of your quads:-))". I smiled and gave in and lo and behold, I reached the crest. My heart was now doing crazy things inside my chest as we sprinted down for about 500m and then Srinivas sees my absolute exhaustion and says, "Lets just jog up to where that man is standing" and I shake my head because I am going to collapse. However, as I said, there is always more that we can give and I did just that and then we were thru' and they (Mahesh andn Srinivas) zipped ahead like milers the last 600m while I was content doing what I felt was temo pace - where the hell did that muscle fiber recruitment come from!!
I will remember this run forever because I experienced something I have not experienced before - a mind-body connection in which the switch can be flipped either way - depending on how you train it. In conclusion, this blog is not complete without mentioning the deep bond I have with my Aarey runners like Mahesh. My mother is in hospital and he calls me up in Ludhiana to say that since I am travelling, he can easily make himself available for any running around that may be required, at the hospital. It stirs something inside you - truly like a blood brother - thank you my friend. Gotta rush to office and then do a beer at home, before I sink on the couch for a much needed nap.