Last night, as I set my wrist watch alarm for 5:30am, my mind was spinning with the many things I had to do after waking up. I had to wake up Bryan and make coffee for myself and a protein shake for him, help Bryan get a "rick" to go for football practice, do a speed workout, cool down and wash up, and rush off to catch the 8:30am Novena at Mahim Church.
I had an ambitious (nay audacious) plan for doing a speed workout; little realizing that it would come to a grinding halt! It is rather distressing to realize that despite running 13 marathons and knowing that a thumb-rule exists, that for each mile run, one needs a day of recovery and that makes 26 days for 26 miles run, to reach full recovery. Why in God' name, Dan, do you behave like a dolt when you know this as fact?? It is exactly 10 days since my marathon and you zip off at VO2max pace! The short story is that the lactate buildup in my blood as well as the pain from partially healed micro-trauma from the 42K, caused me to have a stupid grin on my face upon finding my time was way off:-)) What were you thinking Dan? Don't emulate Emil Zatopek, when you are not exactly in his league. Thanks for trying though!
The quiet ambience at Mahim Church reminded me of how we need to humbly bow down to a supreme power that we cannot comprehend but acknowledge. I bowed my head in silent prayer, placing my petition in God' hands, as I mumbled, "....that never was it known, that anyone who fled to thy protection or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I cry to thee....". I felt a deep peace descend upon me as I rode to work in the car.