Thursday, June 17, 2010

Eyes wide awake

I drifted up from the depths of a slumber and seemed to hover just below the surface for a while. Finally, I broke thru' and was wide awake. The room was dark and quiet and I just heard the wind making a muted howl at the window. I turned to look at my watch and mouthed a silent entreaty, "God, please let it be 5am" but I had to muffle a groan as I saw it was 3:30am. Well, I would have to wait this one out:-)

At 5:30, after a stormy sesssion of thoughts and zilch sleep, the alarm beeped. I made Bryan his cup of chocolate milk and headed out the door. The rain was a steady drizzle and I did not spend too much time wondering how cold it would be, as I stepped out to get wet. The first two kms made it seem like I was doing fine and then suddenly, I felt this slowdown; as if my muscles were being restrained. I realized then that it was the lack of sleep and my HR was high because of it. I finished a loop of 11K and headed home for a hot cup of Tea and some chappatis. Today, I'm going to feel tired at work!