Monday, August 25, 2008

32K-ebabs and eggs for breakfast

I woke up on saturday morning with a plan to put in a long overdue 20 miler as I was getting a bit "rusty" on the long run front. I also have a marathon coming up soon which made it all the more compelling. I set out with the usual thoughts clouding my mind: will I "bonk" after 25K?

The run started on a dismal pace and I kept expecting the worst as I found my breathing too hard for such a "crawl". 10K into the run and I felt a surge build into my legs. What had happened? Did I suddenly have a rush of "glycogen"? I am still trying to evaluate this strange phenomenon. I went to finish 25K and still had some "gas in the tank". I felt relieved as I reeled out the last 7K and went on to log 32.6K for the day. The eggs and ham were a well-deserved treat. I feel vindicated and know I have my endurance in place. I have perhaps to lose a little weight in preparation for my race as every additional kilo slows you down.