Sunday, May 31, 2009

The learning process

As a runner, you learn a lot of things as you go thru' the process of training over the years. You learn about what work outs work for you and those that don't; you learn that haste (in training) makes waste and you come down with injuries; you learn from your every race. Today I learnt that coke mixed with water and salt does not work for me:-) I was in a hurry and could not prepare my usual cocktail of 'Tang' with salt and water. I opened a coke and prepared 3 liters of the stuff! I should have had the good sense to bring along some plain water. The result? I could not take in enough of the obnoxious mixture that I'd got along for this long run and got progressively dehydrated.

This had a deleterious effect on my system cause I could feel three things happening at the same time; one, the sun came blasting out and the humidity was way high; two, the lack of replenishment of water lost thru' profuse sweating caused my pace to take a beating; and three, the coke has caffeine which hastened the process of dehydration!. Nice experience for a fitness instructor:-) Don't let anyone know you have saw dust in your head:-)

Anyway, I survived (there was a moment when I thought of throwing in the towel) and completed my long run short by 2K, which wasn't too bad. I have to factor in the hectic travel of the last 4 days, combined with inadequate food intake as well as sleep. I had predicted that my glycogen stores would not be at their optimum and that this run would be affected. Little did I realize that I'd compound my misery by committing another folly, by carrying along coke and water - yucks! Also, I did the first 6K at tempo pace which Ol' chap, is certainly commendable. Well, the nice part is that I finished 3 hrs+ of running inspite of the 'tempo' circuit and that has its own effect on spiking my endurance. Live to fight another day Dan.

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