Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Groan! - Groin!

When I completed my long run on Sunday, I felt this dull ache in my groin, reminiscient of my debacle in the 2009 SCMM. I wondered with increasing trepidation, as I walked home, about my fate in the coming months. I am now a seasoned runner to realize that such an ache is a real sign that my injury is rearing its head up again.

I went out for my 'up tempo' run today and could complete 80% at target pace and this had more to do with the heat and humidity than my condition. However, the alarming symptoms of the groin ache recurred and caused me to sit on my haunches, after the run, and comtemplate the fate of my future runs, shaking my head with rising depression. Stand up at the count of eight, Dan! Practice what you preach!

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