Saturday, March 14, 2009

Two hard days in a row!

The Colpal group, especially Aalok, is always enthusiastic to get me to run with them on the 2nd Satuurday of the month because its my off day. I too like to oblige because they are fun to be with and besides; they spur me on to do runs that I would otherwise not do.

Today I was scheduled to meet them at Aarey at 6am and being a stickler for punctuality, I rose at 5am to reach the appointed location at 5:55am. At 6:10 I got a call from Aalok that 4 people out of 6 had dropped out! Well, I was glad that at least Roshni and Aalok were coming along.

We started our run and I took them along a 9.4K loop that included a steep hill. I was keeping pace with Roshni which did me a world of good since I wanted to ensure I run at my "recovery pace". I had just done a tough speed workout yesterday and was actually supposed to take it easy today. Whaddya know!; I ended up doing 23k at my prescribed pace for the work out. This means that I did two hard days in a row. While, both the work outs went off like clockwork, I have yet to experience the effect (nay folly?) of not practicing what I preach:-) Well, tomorrow I am going to put up my legs and rue my fate over a beer, if I have "dead legs".
I am sure that both, Aalok as well as Roshni enjoyed the difficulty level in today' work out as it took them to a different threshold in their training. I could not help but smile when Aalok told me that he walked the uphill on the 2nd loop; however, to my surprise, Roshni actually jogged the uphill twice. You know "Pahadis":-); they have it in their genes:-)

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