Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Holi smoke!

The exclamation is in order because of the number of mails I received from the IIT runners group when I vociferously opposed making the race an event with big prize money. My sole argument was that this race needs to have a USP that makes it the recreational runner' race! I argued that if you keep big prize money, you would end up getting state level 10K runners who would turn up in droves, the event would become a "janta" event and my beloved slow runners would miss their truly recreational runners' finish. Well, the discussion opened up a flurry of emails with the end result that my opinion was more or less in sync with most.

Then there was the discussion on Kingfisher and free beer and know how it can be:-) It is anybody' guess how touchy this issue is with serving free beer in India and especially at IIT. Bhasker and I got mauled but I made a compromise suggestion which will be discussed (nay debated along with my thoughts on Madhur' mathematical model - which were well received and allayed my baseless apprehensions) at a lunch for the core team. This promises to be a big event if we get our act together.

I did a nice set of speed work, followed by a pleasantly surprising "darshan" from Mahesh, Santosh and Sunil who turned up to discuss their future training, followed by an invitation to eat breakfast, from the Aarey walkers' club that was celebrating Holi. I had to accept the colour that was applied to my face from the Aarey walkers, in return for a breakfast of Jalebis, bhajias and fafda:-) I returned home to find 22 mails from the core group - quite an exciting morning. The beers will follow after I am thru' with giving Dojo his bath.

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