Thursday, May 1, 2008


Maharashtra Day is a holiday for me and I surprised myself by waking up at 5am without an alarm. I had nothing to do as Monsoon is in Leh for a company review (some MNCs really do reviews in style!) and Bryan was to go to "Water Kingdom" with his friend Shiva. I decided that I'd just do a long run. The weather was like it was last Saturday; warm and humid. I realized that doing a long run would be a tough call. Nevertheless, I set out at an easy pace. About 2 hours later, I felt sapped and wanted to stop but I trudged on cause I wanted to overcome pain. This kind of punishment was meant to help me cope with my stress! Maybe the logic beats you but its just that I felt better pushing myself physically over the brink. It made me feel that I can handle whatever crap is thrown my way.

I finished the run another 45 mins later completely drained and dehydrated. I went to the Aarey water pumping station and the attendant there seemed to recognize me. Well, I guess that running 10 yrs in this place makes one rather popular:-) I used the hose that was lying around and let loose a "high pressure fountain" on myself. Boy, the cool water felt like heaven. I walked back home shaking my head at the lunacy in my work out today.

I met Rajesh while doing my run and he was wearing a knee brace! I realized that his knee was acting up cause he had not rested it enough after the damage from his Judo fall. He tried to laugh it off but I could tell that he regreted it. The sad part was that he was walking; unable to even jog because of the pain. Well, runners never learn. They throw caution to the winds cause their motivation to run is right up there.