Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mixed marriages

I was one of a close group of friends of the bride' father, that was invited to a "sangeet ceremony" at "Saffron Spice". The wedding, which is scheduled for 30th is between a Bengali Hindu and a Catholic. I suspect my invitation had something to do with providing reassurance to the couple that " it can be done":-) I was informed by my friend, Aniruddh, that he frequently cited my case when he had discussions with the boy' parents about going ahead with the marriage. It was a nice evening with bollywood dance by the girl' relatives and some western jiving by the boy' people - a hilarious attempt to highlight fusion:-)

I managed to nurse the appertiff as a courtesy and also ate just enough to ensure my digestive system feels relaxed. I woke up feeling refreshed and went out for what I thought should be a recovery run. After my difficulty with my speedwork yesterday, I was prepared for a shuffle-cum-walk. I realised after just 1 km that I had a strength in my stride that surprised me. I went on to complete 8.2K at a brisk pace and even had enough time for some strength training. So what was it that caused me to feel strong and fresh this morning?? The search never ends:-)