Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rum & Running

I have always wondered about the effects of alcohol on endurance though I do not like to speculate on its ill-effects or otherwise. I would, if I felt that corrective action, based on medical research, would substantially benefit me:-) You know I'm kidding and you surely don't want to believe the crap that I'd trade my tipple for better race times, given my proclivity (nay penchant) for the same.
I have been on tour for the better part of this week and have been quaffing a fair bit of rum even though the climate proscribes such "heaty" beverages. Imagine drinking rum in Vijaywada where the daily max temperature is 43 deg cent. Some would shake their heads in disbelief and others in disgust. Anyways, my rejoinder would be, recalling a statement I recently saw on a T-shirt; "F*** You, I have every thing I need". Now that is called living your own life and allowing others to live as they want. I returned on Thursday night and went in for a "tempo" workout on Friday with a sleep deficit and some blubber on the midriff. It did feel very strenuous. I not only survived it; but, I also hit my target pace. I must admit that I did feel like one of those "Alaskan Huskies" when left loose in the Sahara:-)
Cut to Sunday morning. I went in for a race pace run and by the end of it I wondered whether I was getting too old for this stuff or whether it was the alcohol - I'd like to think it was the later (wink). I did finish at better than target pace albeit with an RPE in the high 9s - shy of 10!! Well my take on this is that; if I could hit target pace, I think I have a ghost of a chance at actually doing this in a marathon. Don't make me laugh Dan!

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