Thursday, March 26, 2009

Churchill Bros

Goa and the football caoching camp was an experience for Bryan as well as for me. The football grounds were EPL quality. When did Goa improve its football standard?? I enjoyed seeing the boys taken thru' plyometric routines by Dempo' coach; these were akin to the ones I do for my marathon training. The other surprise was that the Churchill Bros team were staying at our resort and the Serbian coach mistook me for the school coach (something to do with my frame, I guess:-)). He got so friendly that he took me along with the actual school coach to the VIP enclosure where their team was to play East Bengal Club! We got a pic of him with the boys.

I was able to do my "tempo" run at the Vasco stadium and it was quite taxing, given the fact that I was taxing my liver with good ol' Goa fenny. I teamed up with a young Basketball coach in his room and we enjoyed fish "rechado" and some pmofret fry. All of this added some blubber to my middle:-) Viva Goa!

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