Friday, January 29, 2010


Its the begining of a new year and the Mumbai Marathon is behind me. I have now to plan my races for the year and the training I'd have to do for them. Well, I can make all the schedules I want, but considering my work life and travel, I am sure I will not train the way its set out. Lets look at the race thats coming up; Auroville. I had decided that I would work on being able to do a short recovery after SCMM so that I can manage a "double" (two marathons in two days:-))) sometime soon; however, the recent "living out of a suitcase" travel, put paid to these plans.

Well anyway, Auroville, here I come. I do hope to get that post race massage this time, from one of the french women:-) I also intend to run this marathon at easy pace and just enjoy the scenery - I won't race this one! Talking about racing; what is my time target for the next marathon? Do what you gotta do before the dentures come Dan!

Periodization is the schedule that one makes to build slowly to race readiness. It is a 16 - 20 week schedule whereby, one does "base building", "speed work", "sharpening and peaking" and "taper". I broadly outline these things but the nitty gritty of the micro-plan is done when my alarm goes off on any particular day! Its when I decide whether I want to do 6 x 1000m repeats, a 40 min tempo, a fartlek or just cruise around the block. You are doing fine Dan, you're my man!

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