Monday, July 21, 2008

Back-to-back long runs

Saturday came with a sleepless night and a stressed out feeling. I woke up at 5:30am and went out for a 2 hr run so that I could "kick-start" my liver into purging my system of the toxins it must have accumulated during my 4 days tour to South India. It is said that the stress hormone, "cortisol", can run amock if its left an open field; cholesterol, blood sugar and damage to the brains neural network is the devastation it leaves behind. The only antidote is exercise or anti-depressants: you can choose!

I felt at peace the rest of the day, taking pride in the feeling that I'd dealt "cortisol" a mighty blow:-) I enjoyed teaching Bryan that evening, while Dojo lazed around in a day long snooze. The maid tells me that Dojo feels "stressed out" when I'm not around and revels in sleeping all day on my return; secure in the knowledge that I am back for a while:-)

I deliberately set my alarm for 5:30am on sunday morning as I wanted to do "back-to-back" long runs that are advised for either Ultra-marathoners or the elite. I set out feeling quite strong (dunno what magic potion I had) and ended up doing a 2:30 mins run!!! I returned feeling rightly exhausted but had to immediately make a "burji" for Bryan and Monsoon as they felt the maid can't get it right. So there I was: stir frying onions and tomatoes with haldi; tossing in chopped chicken salami and 4 eggs; topping it with finely chopped coriander and chillies.

I sat on the floor with my share of the burji and enjoyed "carbo-loading" as advised by research. I felt sore all day as we went to "Alfa" at Vile Parle to shop and to "Aarey" wherein Monsoon could take her weekly walk, while Dojo excitedly scurried around to answer nature' call in the lush greenery; wagging his tail in appreciation at the singular honour, bestowed on him, to "fertilize" the area. I bought Bryan a "fast-track" digital watch which he proudly displayed on his wrist. He looked at my own 7 yr old digital "casio" and commented sympathetically, " Da-da your watch looks old in comparison but I think its better"; so that I don't feel too bad about it:-)

I would not advise anyone, except the most seasoned and serious runners to do "back-to-back" long runs cause they "take a lot out of you". I do hope my endurance has been "kicked up-stairs" and also that "cortisol" does not dare rear its head for another couple-a-days:-)

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